I realize I fell off the blogging world. After I posted the last news I became well acquainted with the toilet for the next 3 months. I was extremely sick with Alexa as well. Turns out we have a pattern… it’s a Girl. We are all really excited and Logan is starting to understanding there is a baby in moms belly. So there hasn’t been much to blog about lately either because I have just been trying to take care of a toddler and myself. Now that I am feeling better things are looking more positive. For Halloween Logan was the cutest pirate in the history of pirates. In November we had Logan’s Birthday party which turned out great. We also have been sledding and had our first Christmas that Logan understood what presents were. He is on a lightning McQueen kick so that was the present he was most excited about. That is a quick synopsis. I can’t promise that I will be a fabulous blogger now, but
won’t wait 4 months to post again.