Yep... that's how old my hubby is today. I just love this great guy I have. He takes such great care of our family and loves us all with his whole heart. When I was single looking for a husband I was looking for a guy that was: spiritually amazing, intelligent, independent, attractive, athletic, kind, outgoing, funny, and fabulous with kids. Triple check on all of the above babe! Happy Birthday! I love you!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 6:52 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
a little getaway!
Logan had his "show day" for his last day in his little gym class. He has learned so much this semester and I have loved watching how excited he has been every week. We had daddy come so Logan could show off. He didn't do a whole lot for the show... he pretty much just ran around the whole time- but it was still a special day for him. Daddy came and he got a certificate at the end which he was super excited about!
lets talk about this face for a minute. I told Logan to smile and this is the smile I got! I was laughing so hard- Love this kid!
Bry's birthday is next Friday and he has to go to youth conference (P.S. Bry is now the YM President. Such an awesome guy I have!) So, we went to St. George for a couple days last weekend so he could do a little golfing. He even had a lesson from the Jack Nicklaus Academy of Golf at The Ledges. He was only able to do one of his lessons because the weather was crappy- but he really enjoyed it!
We were able to go to the indoor pool a few times and eat at yummy places. With Bry and I doing weight watchers we had to save up our points so we could eat at one fun place each day we were there.
P.S. Can't get enough of this girl!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 2:34 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The New Year...
So far 2010 has been pretty uneventful which is a welcome relief for us. We are all healthy and we want it to stay that way. Bry and I have started weight watchers and are doing well on it. It's nice having support when you are achieving a goal. When I feel weak for a chocolate chocolate doughnut I just tell Bry and he helps me remember what our end goal is. Just a couple pics to make this post interesting...
Our usual picture taking session...
Logan is growing up too fast. He is so skinny and is starting to get taller. Bry and I hope this will continue because we were both not blessed with grand height-especially me. He loves dinosaurs and is obsessed with watching Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs. He loves playing with his daddy and gets so excited every time he comes home. We are trying to potty train right now and have been for a couple months- kind of a challenge and I have cleaned up way more than my share of messes. He also has quite a sense of humor and loves to make all of us laugh especially Shelby.
Shelby is one little flexible girl. I hope she got my genes and it stays that way becuase I find her stretching in the splits and in straddle all the time... I'm so proud :) This little angel never ceases to amaze me on how perfect she is. She has turned into a little mama's girl at the moment and cries whenever I leave the room, but no one can put her to bed like dad can. She is a little mover and can get from A to B way to fast.
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 11:44 AM 9 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy hol-i-daze???
Well this has been an interesting holiday season. We have spent it in and out of the doctor's office and hospital with Logan. He had one thing after another- croup, throwing up, headache, soar throat, eye infection. Just one thing after another and this whole time he was running a temperature usually of 103 every day. This temp lasted for 12 days. With all of these symptoms and especially the long and high fever they ran test after test on this poor kid and couldn't come up with a prognosis. They started looking at scary things like Kawasaki's disease (attacks the heart and can cause a heart attack in a child), and leukemia. Ahhgg!!! The past 3 days he hasn't had a fever and he has been acting pretty normal so we think we are in the clear and they said it was probably just a long stream of virus'. Wow!!!
So, we have been quarantined in our house for over 2 weeks now and just at the perfect time- during the holidays. And to top it all off Shelby got sick on Christmas eve with a stuffy nose, nasty cough, and sore throat! My poor children weren't able to be with any family the whole Christmas time, unless there were not children around. We still had a great holiday at our house. Santa came and brought dinosaur mountain and cars and Logan couldn't have been any happier. As he came down the stairs on Christmas morning he said, " are those for me."
New years was the same quarantine situation so we had pizza and a movie and did our own little celebration. Shelby LOVED the celebration poppers and laughed every time there was a loud bang.
Overall, it was an interesting holiday! Even though it was kind of crazy I am just so grateful to have my children healthy again. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:45 PM 11 comments
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!