I lost my camera for a couple weeks so here is what has been going on the past few weeks...
We moved Logan into his big boy bed about a month ago. He finally decided he was ready. It was kind of hard for me because he is growing up so fast. He does need to take toys in his bed with him though. He picks a toy each night to take to bed with him. At the beginning it seemed like we had the whole toy box in his bed. Love this kid!
Logan and his cousin Liv are like brother and sister. They are the best of friends, they fight, and... they are a bad influence on each other at times. At my in-laws house we walked in on this mess they were making. It was harmless so it was pretty funny.
We went to "UP" a couple weeks ago and Logan loved it of course. He loves Disney movies. I then went to one of my mom's Enrichment nights and they had tons of balloons so we took some home to Logan. He was so excited and was trying to fly away with his bunch of balloons. Logan is so creative already and it is fun to see how his imagination works. He likes acting like a dinosaur right now. Bry went out of town and brought him back a toy dinosaur and he has been obsessed with dinosaurs ever since.
Happy Father's day to my hubby. I am so in love with this amazing man and am so grateful that my children have such a loving father to look up to. He seriously is obsessed with his kids and I love it. Love you babe!
I took pictures of Shelby and Logan on the first day I brought her home and got her dressed up. Now 2 months later it is crazy to see how much she has changed. She is turning into a little chunky monkey.... I love her rolls. She is such a good little baby. She is looking more and more like Logan every day. It is a blast having a little girl. I feel so blessed to have 2 amazing children.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Camera found
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:43 AM 7 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Count your blessings...
Where do I even begin to explain what an amazing day it was today. I seriously feel so blessed right now. First of all I have the most beautiful daughter a mother could ask for. I have been awaiting the birth of a daughter for over 3 years now and my time is finally here. It is incredible to see how the Lord really knows what is best for you. I appreciate having her here more than words can explain. In Sacrament meeting the opening song was "I Believe in Christ and I didn't even get through the first few notes before I started balling because I am so grateful to have her. She started smiling a couple days ago and that sweet little smile really just makes my heart sore.
Here are more of my blessings I am grateful for:
- An amazing husband who honors his priesthood and loves his family more than anything. It is so adorable to see a big macho man like my hubby melt for "the sweetness" and "Logi"
- An adorable and vivacious little boy who loves to be with his mommy and give me hugs during the day. When we are out and about he never forgets to make sure mom is around and during the day he often comes to me and says "i wanna hugs you." Wow! Count your blessings.
-My fabulous family!!! My mom and sister, Steph, came over the day before the blessing to cook, clean and decorate with me. We Andrus women don't know how to throw a small party and they helped me make this day everything I wanted it to be. Bryan and I are both so lucky to be so close to our families.
- FRIENDS!!! Here is your shout out. I really got a lesson this week in what it means to be a true friend. The first person I need to say something to is Michelle...seriously? Enough said there! Jen and Kat- sorry for trying to burn your houses down and Jen I am sorry if I gave you a kidney stone. Jess, Syd, Kristen, Kristie... aren't we the luckiest girls in the world to know we always have the support of amazing women that we can call our best friends.
I realize this is the longest blog ever but I am just oh so grateful today and couldn't hold it all in. My amazing brother and sister-in-law let me use their camera for this day and I took 130 pictures so prepare for some awesome pictures. Thanks Steph for taking pictures again... you seriously are amazing.
My beautiful baby girl!
Nana and papa
Grandma and Grandpa
Nana and her aunts
The big brother
Grandma Marsden- love this one she it smiling at her
DADDY and Shelby
Our Family
The men that stood in the circle( minus Aaron-taking care of Nixon)
The food and decorations
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 6:54 PM 15 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
St. George
We spent most of last week in St. George with my family. It was such a nice little getaway and I felt like we grew even closer as a family. We had a lot of fun activities planned. We spent a large amount of time at the pool, which Logan LOVED of course. We also went to the park and played baseball and my multi-talented hubby took us fishing. We all had a dinner we were in charge of and for our dinner we went to the new Pirate Pizza place which was a nice change to the normal Pizza Factory visit. Shelby (the sweetness), as you can see, spent most of her time just sleeping and being adorable. Thanks fam! Love you guys!
Swim time
Baseball at the Park
Our cute 4 MEMBER family
The little buddy exploring
AND... the sweetness!
She is the best little baby ever!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:35 PM 8 comments
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!