How do I begin to tell you how much you mean to me? In my eyes, a year ago today, an angel was born. I can't describe the joy and happiness you bring to my life. Your smile makes my heart leap and your sweet personality makes me melt. You make my life complete. There are so many things that make you happy...
You love your brother, Logan. Every morning when you wake up he yells, "Shelby Belles," and runs and gives you a hug. When you get excited you start kicking your feet; every morning i get you out of bed this is your ritual... always happy, see mommy, lay on your tummy, start kicking like crazy because you can't hold your happiness in. You love any and every food I have ever fed you. Your crooked smile is intoxicating especially because you always have a smile. Everyone that knows you can't help but love you because you are just so stinkin' cute. You have your daddy in the palm of your hand, actually, you have both of your parents in the palm of your hand. I can't imagine my life without you and I will forever be grateful that I am blessed to have such an angel as my daughter.
All my love, mommy
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Yep... the angel turned one today!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:30 AM 33 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Earlier this week i was out running errands with the kids. I unlocked the car, got the kids in the car and then, like i do many times, couldn't find where i put my keys after i unlocked the car. As I was searching i thought...hmmm... this could be a good teaching opportunity for Logan. In conference this past week i was reminded that i need to be a much better mom and i need to teach my kids about the gospel even more starting today. So... I said, "Logan, Mom can't find her keys, let's say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father to help mom remember where she put her keys." We said a prayer, I looked around and there they were.
A few days later the same situation happened. As I was looking around for my keys Logan said, "mom we need to say a prayer to find them." Yeah!- my child is listening to me.I am sure we would have found them eventually,but I was wanting to teach a gospel principal so we prayed and we found them again. Right after we found them, "Logan said, mom we need to say a prayer to find my keys." This is when I kind of panicked. Logan had some "cars" keys that have been lost for months. I really gave up on finding them because I was sure they were probably stashed somewhere never to be found again. But, we said the prayer. Right after the prayer, "Logan said, mom, it didn't work." I said, "maybe we can go home and look for them and heavenly father can help us remember where you put them last." But, Logan needed to call nana immediately and tell her that he couldn't find his keys anywhere and he prayed and it didn't work. So, we called nana. Logan said to her in a sad tone, "Nana, i can't find my keys they's is lost. I said a prayer and it duhdn't work." Nana, then to my surprise said- Oh, I found your keys at my house this morning. Logan then said, "mom it worked- nana found my keys." Um... ok, these keys were lost people. I had zero faith that we would ever find them and thus, my teaching methods had gone down the drain. But, apparently I was the one that needed to learn a lesson. Logan does understand what I am teaching him and he has way more faith than i do. When i came home and told bry what happened he said, " we need to start having him pray for more things." Seriously, what a great lesson i learned by teaching my amazing child the power of prayer.
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 1:20 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I got some pictures of my adorable kids taken so we could give some to daddy for Easter and mostly because my sweet angel is turning one this month. Lindsay got some quickly edited for me so I could get these pictures in daddy's Easter basket.
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 9:56 PM 14 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
barfing sucks!
A little getaway to St George turned into passing the stomach flu so generously from one family member to the next. Shelby was throwing up a little before we left, but I didn't think it was the stomach flu... babies puke sometimes right? We drove to St. George Wednesday night. Thursday night I was barfing, Friday late afternoon Bry was barfing, and Friday night Logan was barfing. No fun. We went down to relax and hang out with Liv and Jess and we didn't even see them the whole time we were there so as to not pass it on to them. Either way, I still love that my parents and the Nordhoff's have houses down in St George so we can have a little weekend whenever we want. I did find a couple hours to go shopping when I wasn't barfing and found some adorable "prima ballerina" gymmies from gymboree for Shelby for $3.99. So, I considered this trip successful. The morning after Bry was throwing up he got up early to go golfing and I came out to see this on the counter. Seriously, barfing does suck and I have a funny hubby.
I bought St. Patrick's day outfits for my kids this year. Yes, people, it is dangerous having a girl. I didn't want to wait to put them in these outfits so we got dressed up and had a little pictures taking session.
Shelby is growing up as fast. She loves playing peek-a-boo, standing wherever she can, and playing with Logan. She has a little spit fire attitude now, which I love… nothing like her mom right? She is pretty much in charge around here. I am starting to plan her first year birthday party already. Time flies.
Logan is staying busy and asks every morning to call his nana and if she isn’t’ available, then he wants to call papa. He is a funny little guy and thinks it is so fun to make Shelby and I laugh.
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 1:22 PM 7 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
sleep talking...
Bry had to go on a scout camp this weekend. I am so proud of my hubby for fulfilling his calling like he does, but I HATE when he is not home at night. I don't sleep. Every sound starts my heart racing and so I stay up doing things like laundry and watching TV. After Logan had fallen asleep I was folding a load of laundry and Shelby was still awake with me. She kept seeing Logan and crawling into his room. I finally gave up on carrying her out and just let her go. She crawled in and talked to him while he was sleeping for like 10 minutes. It was the sweetest thing. Every night when I pray it overwhelms me how grateful I am to be a mom to these amazing kids.
Shelby is all over the place now! I am loving this stage. She is constantly finding little things on the floor to eat which is making me keep my house cleaner. She loves crawling under this stool and hanging out. She is in her happy place when she is standing. And the smiles just keep coming.
Logan is into finding solutions to problems. Example: Today he couldn't reach his fire truck and he said, "I know, I will get the stool and get it." Every solution is proceeded by "I know." So cute. He also likes to do things "all by myself." We are completely potty trained (YEAH!) and he loves to go potty by himself, wash his own hands etc.
Love these kids!
Monday, February 15, 2010
The "holy ghost"
I can't find my phone anywhere... It is somewhere in the house and somehow it turned off so calling it is not helping. This morning I asked Logan if he knew where it was and he said no, but immediately put it upon himself to help me find it. He put on his "spotting scope" to see if he could help me find it and has searched high and low throughout the house. As we were trying to find it he said, "Mom, maybe the holy ghost took it!" I love children!
This is Logan's "spotting scope"
Logan also has a fetish with having things in rows, especially his cars.
Shelby's latest happenings... Playing peek-a-boo, being a little acrobat,(she loves pulling herself into a pike position), and just being so stinkin' cute!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:58 AM 7 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!