We went up Mount Nebo loop last week… it was beautiful. Rides like this I affectionately call “Bryan rides.” He has seriously been everywhere in the valley and he takes me on these little excursions. We ended at this adorable little lake where we had lunch and Logan fed the ducks. We actually might go camping up there with our little family.
Every other year we go on an adult only vacation with the Nordhoff family. This year we made it short and sweet and went to Zermatt resort in Heber. What a fabulous little place. We went to the spa, sat at the pool and ate great food. It was a nice needed little getaway with my hubby. In the rooms they had water that you could buy and it was $7. Bry just couldn’t help himself and had to buy it to see what this $7 water tasted like.
Logan is trying to go on a napping strike like I said in my last post. Usually on those days this is what happens at dinner time…
Our favorite little picture time…
I just love these pictures… it shows the personality of my children perfectly.
I started feeding my little Shelby Belle food the other day. She did pretty good with it. Didn't love it, but was just her happy little self during the experience. I love this girl.
Kylie is 9
5 years ago
What cute kids you have! Glad you got a little getaway with the Nordhoff's! Glad to hear that my kids aren't the only ones who go on strike with their naps!
Shelby keeps getting cuter! Glad you guys had a fun adults only weekend, but seriously $7 water...that is nuts. Poor Logan and his strike he just needs to give in.
I love it! I can't decide if Shelby looks more like you or Brian. She is adorable! Good luck with the nap thing, that normally means the end is near. That is how Hailey started out. Sometimes they go back to having nap time, but Hailey never did. We are busy this week, but I was thinking of finding something to do next Wednesday if your in. Maybe we could go to the petting zoo at Thanksgiving Point? Love ya girl.
Love Zermatt Resort! So fun for you! And what darling pics of the kids! Shelby makes everyone smile - she is just too stinkin' cute!!!
Oh my gosh that picture of Logan and Shelby MUST be blown up ..... and I think I need a copy!!! I am in love with those two!!!!!
So happy you were able to get away I feel really dumb cause I've never heard of where you went to, but with $7 water I'm sure it was amazing. Oh my goodness your kids are cute. I love Shelby's hand on Logan, and her smile is adorable. Annie's lower lip started to quiver when she told me Logan wasn't in Nursery.
Logan is as cute as ever!! I love that little guys hair! And Shelby's blue eyes, oh my gosh:)
for the record: i read this post a while ago but am just commenting now- because i think your kids are so darn cute! i love the photo of logan and baby shelby just chillin together.
i miss you!
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