I haven't blogged yet about our Anniversary! Bry and I switch off every year on who is in charge of our Anniversary and it was my year. So.... I flew him to Denver to watch a Broncos game because he has always wanted to go to an NFL game. We stayed at the Ritz (if you haven't stayed at one you need to put it on a list of things to do in your life.) We were able to get tickets by all the players families on the 8th row!!! (thanks amber.) After the game we got a family pass and went on to the field and took a couple pictures.Then we waited outside the locker room for the players to come out and was able to meet some of them. It was a fabulous and much needed getaway and I pretty much was on the nice list in my husband's book!
Here is another one of our traditional picture taking sessions!!!
We visited Santa this year at the festival of trees. This has been the greatest year because Logan understands everything now. He knows that he wants "Dinosaur Mountain" (had to do black Friday door buster for that one) and "the king" from CARS because he has pretty much every other car. Every time we even talk about Santa he says " and he bring me dinosaur mountain and cars the king." P.S. I love being a mom.
Shelby is getting ready to crawl now!!! Ahhgg!!! She is growing up tooooo fast! I seriously can't get enough of her excitement and energy!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Go Broncos!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 6:43 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
"Breath of Heaven"
As most of you know I have been working on a tree for the festival of trees this past year. We have been doing this tree in honor of my daughter Alexa who was delivered on October 8, 2003. I also had a friend that had a daughter still born last March so I asked her if she wanted to do it with me. I can't even tell what this experience meant to me. The tree turned out perfect- I've had a vision in my head of what I wanted it to be and it turned out even better. The experience was surreal. The people we met and the feeling on decorating day was so amazing. Everyone has a story behind their tree and they all want to share it with others who have stories of loved ones they have lost. Thank you to all of you who helped make this so perfect! Especially to my amazing mom and sister, Steph. I really couldn't have done this without them! Go and see the tree- it is on row B entitled "Breath of Heaven." Our tree was on KSL last night too!!!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 8:30 AM 20 comments
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!