We went up Mount Nebo loop last week… it was beautiful. Rides like this I affectionately call “Bryan rides.” He has seriously been everywhere in the valley and he takes me on these little excursions. We ended at this adorable little lake where we had lunch and Logan fed the ducks. We actually might go camping up there with our little family.
Every other year we go on an adult only vacation with the Nordhoff family. This year we made it short and sweet and went to Zermatt resort in Heber. What a fabulous little place. We went to the spa, sat at the pool and ate great food. It was a nice needed little getaway with my hubby. In the rooms they had water that you could buy and it was $7. Bry just couldn’t help himself and had to buy it to see what this $7 water tasted like.
Logan is trying to go on a napping strike like I said in my last post. Usually on those days this is what happens at dinner time…
Our favorite little picture time…
I just love these pictures… it shows the personality of my children perfectly.
I started feeding my little Shelby Belle food the other day. She did pretty good with it. Didn't love it, but was just her happy little self during the experience. I love this girl.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 10:20 PM 8 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer Lovin...
I am sure most of you already know about these, but they have these adorable splash pad parks that are so perfect for kids. My cousin, Aubrie, and her little girl Haylie went with us a couple weeks ago. Hailey is Logan's age and they play so cute together. They had a blast running around together holding hands and pretending like they were frogs.
We bought a membership to the Dinosaur Museum because Logan is obsessed with dinosaurs. He likes the triceratops the most. My mom and dad came with us and my dad was just as excited about everything as Logan was.
My amazing sister, Steph, graduated from BYU last week. She is seriously the coolest person I know. I really want to be her some day. Way to go sis. Shelby and I went down for the occasion. It was nice having Shelby there to entertain us and all those around us during the graduation talks.
The pool is a weekly outing for us. My parents and Bry’s parents are members at Willowcreek so that is usually where we end up. Logan is getting used to his new life jacket because he is in a bigger size this year. It is so sad to see them grow out of things! We also went to Flaming Gorge… I didn’t ever have my camera around so when I get some I will put those on too. Like most kids Logan is obsessed with fries to so he loves to sit in the sun and eat after he has worked hard in the pool.
Logan getting his big boy hair cut before family pictures. My sweet Shelby was a mess for family/baby pictures so I had to take her back today for round 2. I will post those when I get them.
Logan loves taking pictures in the chair with Shelby and asks me to take them all the time- this was one of our morning pictures. He is so cute with Shelby (most of the time) and loves to give her hugs and play with her toys with her.
Logan is trying to decide he is done with napping… help! So one Sunday Bry was in charge of Logan and I put Shelby down for a nap and myself down for a nap. I came downstairs to see Bry out cold on the couch and Logan asleep sitting up in the other couch. How cute are these boys of mine!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 9:46 PM 4 comments
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!