Thursday, April 23, 2009
Shelby is Here!!!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 12:57 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We are scheduled to be induced tomorrow at 7:30. I am both nervous and excited... I can't imagine going 3 more weeks. I am so grateful they induce me at 37 weeks now! Pray for us!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 12:19 PM 5 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Bed Rest
Well, I knew it was inevitable with my special history of pregnancy, but I am officially on bed rest now. On Monday I got a betemethazine shot to help develop the babies lungs early. The only side effect to this shot is that your blood sugar increases a lot. Well, the reason this is a problem is because I was already borderline with having gestational diabetes. So, I had to start testing my blood. Well on Monday night I tested it and it was way to high. I wanted to do a kick count for the baby because she hadn't been moving that well, but because my blood sugar was too high I couldn't have any juice to make the baby get moving into action.
So I called the hospital and they said to come in. Well, as soon as I went in I actually went into labor. I was in labor from 9:00pm until 6:45am. I know the exact time because that is when I finally fell asleep. After we were able to stop it I was dialated to a 3. Well, They made me stay there for the whole next day to watch the contractions and my blood sugar. Tuesday night I started contracting again, but we were able to stop it in an hour. There are more boring details, but to cut the story I am now home on bedrest with bathroom priviliges. "Privileges" thanks doc! I am just taking medication to help my blood sugar and the contractions for another week and a half and then he will just let the baby come if she decides its time. So... if you are bored I am home, lets hang out!
Posted by Nordhoff Family at 11:14 AM 13 comments
Logan & Papa

We took this picture at my sister Steph's wedding. You can't get cuter than this!
Logan"s first earache
Our little buddy has his first earache. He was so miserable yesterday and crashed on daddy after a day at the doctor.
Bryan Project
Bry's first spec home! What a talented husband I have.
Nordhoff Men
The Nordhoff boy's fishing in Boston!
Roasting Peeps!
New best treat ever! If you have never tried this you need to try this!